Welcome to Delta Document Shredding
A Sikeston-owned and operated paper shredding company that specializes in on- and off-site shredding for routine service and one-time purges.

About Us
Owner Operated
Owners Marc Leible and Jay Leible personally pick up all sensitive information
Third owner, attorney Chuck Leible, has over 30 years experience with sensitive documents
Why Outsourcing Your Shredding is Best
Employees are more productive when focused on core responsibilities
Reduced capital and employment expenditures
Company information (i.e. payroll, legal, and employment issues) should not be exposed to most employees
In‐house shredding will not handle large volumes and may prompt employees to circumvent the destruction process
Document destruction can occur year‐round, instead of a year‐ end purge that requires months of storage

Individualized Plan: What Fits Your Needs?
Ongoing serviced: free locked container in various sizes
Purges: one‐time or as needed mass removal